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Car Accident Settlement Tips

Dealing with the after results of an auto accident is often challenging and most especially if you are injured. If you are aware of the necessary steps in making a claim, the process may prove more difficult. This is because many insurance companies tend to take advantage of the fact that many people are not conversant of their rights when it comes to placing compensation claims.  Depending on the nature of your injuries, you may want to place the claims on your own or hire a personal injury lawyer of to represent you. Regardless of which one you prefer, these tips will be of great help.


 Place the Claim as soon as Possible after the accident

Once you have been involved in an auto accident, contact your insurance company at that moment. Initiating a claim soon after the accident helps you in recalling the occurrences of the accident in an accurate manner and you will be able to report any property damage and personal injuries that have occurred.


Maintain Accurate Records about the Accident

Ensure that you have an organized record of all the details of your accident. It should include things such as a police report if any, doctor's visits records, car repair bills, and anything else that you assume relevant to the accident. These documents will be useful during the negotiation process and will help in expediting the process of settlement.


Fair Settlement Calculation

It is always important that you calculate what you believe is enough claim. Be sure to include things such as your medical care cost, income loss as a result of the accident, the nature or level of severity of the injury, among others.You can also learn more about accident lawyers by checking out the post at


Send a detailed letter of claim to the insurance company

Once you have calculated what you presume is enough claim, you then go ahead to send this details to your insurer. Often, most insurance companies will give a compensation that is lower than the stated amount. It would be advisable that you increase your claim demand by a figure between 25%-100%. It is additionally important that you avoid taking the first offer. This is because the first offer is in most cases too low and the adjuster uses this as a test to see whether you are sure of what your claim is worth.


Know when to Hire a Lawyer

When it gets to a point where you cannot settle on a favorable amount of compensation with the insurance agency, call for a lawyer's help. A well-experienced car accident lawyer is most likely to help you get the maximum compensation like you deserve. Please check out if you have questions.

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